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AI-Driven Meeting Rooms: Cutting Costs, Boosting Performance, or Compromising Quality?

David Danto  (Principal Analyst, TalkingPointz)

Kevin Cigler  (Media Architect, MITRE)

Date: Monday, March 17

Time: 8:00 am - 8:45 am

Pass Type: Premium

Session Type: Impact Summit

Vault Recording: TBD

This session will delve into how AI and Machine Learning are transforming meeting room technology by replacing expensive hardware and services with advanced software solutions. We will explore the shift towards AI-driven features such as sound cleaning, voice isolation, and multi-camera video conferencing, which are making room performance better and installation costs lower. The discussion will cover the impact on purchase and installation processes, the reduced need for specialist expertise, and the future potential of AI in meeting room setups. Attendees will gain insights into the current state and future possibilities of AI in enhancing enterprise meeting environments.