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CC and UC Vendors: Should Businesses Consolidate or Diversify?

Diane Myers  (Principal Analyst, Metrigy)

Amir Hameed  (SVP, WW Solution Sales & Engineering, RingCentral)

Date: Wednesday, March 19

Time: 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm

Pass Type: Premium, Standard

Session Type: Conference Track Session

Track: Collaboration Platforms & UC

Vault Recording: TBD

According to Metrigy research, roughly 40% of businesses utilize the same vendor for contact center and UC&C. The number one reason businesses go with a single vendor is cost savings. Does that mean cost savings outweigh utilizing best-in-class applications? Notably, single vendor does not necessarily equal a single, integrated solution. One vendor could be utilizing partners for the contact center or UC component with limited to no integration between the platforms. So ultimately, what are the true benefits and potential drawbacks of utilizing a single vendor--and does it matter if the single-vendor solution is integrated? Attendees will learn:

  • What are the drivers and benefits of utilizing a single vendor across CC and UC
  • What are the top considerations when evaluating single vendor solutions vs. a best-in-class approach?
  • Should AI be a consideration when working with one vendor, and how would that look across CC and UC?
  • How do you maximize value to your organization with a fully integrated contact center and UC solution? What are the steps to take to ensure value?