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City of Phoenix Case Study: How Governments Can Use Leading-Edge Technology to Provide Better Service to Residents

Ian Trollope  (Deputy CIO Enterprise Telecommunications Services, City of Phoenix)

Date: Tuesday, March 18

Time: 4:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Pass Type: Premium, Standard

Session Type: Conference Track Session

Track: Strategy & Management

Vault Recording: TBD

The communications/CX technology estate of a large city is every bit as complex as that of a major enterprise. Individual city departments are just as tech-savvy as large companies' business units, and residents as demanding as private-sector customers when it comes to service quality. In this session, you'll get a close-up, in-depth look at how the IT organization in the U.S.'s fifth-largest city keeps its technology current and serves internal and external stakeholders as their needs evolve. From remote civic meetings to online collaboration with city departments to upgrading the contact center and exploring the use of AI, the City of Phoenix must constantly put its best technology foot forward. In this session, you'll find out how they're doing that, what their plans are for the future, and what they've learned about best practices and strategic imperatives.

Plus, stick around after this half-hour session concludes, and join the Post-Session Networking! The session room will remain open and the speaker will be on hand, along with other attendees, to continue the conversation about collaboration and CX for government and other use cases. Don't miss this opportunity to meet and engage with like-minded peers!