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Programmable Communications for Business Continuity and Digital Transformation

Raul Castanon Martinez  (Sr. Analyst, S&P Global Market Intelligence)

John Bell  (Chief Product Officer, Bandwidth)

Ivan Ostojic  (Chief Business Officer, Infobip)

Andy O'Dower  (Vice President of Product Management for Voice, Video, and Flex, Twilio)

Kevin Nethercott  (Managing Partner, CPaaS Acceleration Alliance)

Date: Wednesday, March 19

Time: 9:00 am - 9:45 am

Pass Type: Premium, Standard

Session Type: Conference Track Session

Track: Collaboration Platforms & UC

Vault Recording: TBD

In this session, we will discuss how CPaaS, a platform-based approach for delivering real-time communications, has emerged as a critical component for business continuity and digital transformation, steadily becoming an important model for business communications. We will outline key market trends and innovations that business leaders need to know and share findings from our Voice of the Enterprise and Voice of the Consumer 2024 surveys showing how market requirements are driving these trends. You will learn:

  • How digital native organizations are harnessing real-time communications to disrupt the market
  • What businesses leaders need to know about programmable communications to improve the customer experience
  • What lies ahead: Unpacking the modern CPaaS technology stack and emerging use cases