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Gerry ChristensenHead of Partnerships and Regulatory ComplianceCaller ID Reputation

In his current role, Gerry Christensen is responsible for regulatory compliance as an internal advisor to Caller ID Reputation® and its customers as well as externally in terms of policy-making, industry solutions and standards. In this capacity, Gerry relies on his knowledge of regulations regarding B2C communications engagement. This includes the Truth in Caller ID Act, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, state mini-TCPA laws and statutes governing consumer contact, various Federal Communications Commission rules, and the Federal Trade Commission's Telemarketing Sales Rule (FTC TSR).Christensen coined the term, Bad Actor's Dilemma, which conveys the notion that unlawful callers often (1) don't self-identify and/or (2) commit brand impersonation (explicit or implied), when calling consumers. These rules are addressed explicitly in the FTC TSR (see 310.3 and 310.4) and implicitly in the Truth in Caller ID Act. Christensen has expertise in VoIP, messaging and other IP-based communications. Gerry is also an expert in solutions necessary to identify unwanted robocalls as well as enabling wanted business calls. This includes authentication, organizational identity, and use of various important data resources such as the DNO, DNC and RND. His expertise also includes digital forensics (audio/text) to identify unlawful communications.Gerry is also an expert in technologies and solutions to facilitate accurate and consistent communications identity. This includes authentication and validation methods such as STIR/SHAKEN as well as various non-standard techniques. His expertise also includes non-network/telephone number methods such as cryptographically identifiable means of verifying organizational identity. In total, Christensen's knowledge and skills make him uniquely qualified as an industry expert in establishing a trust framework for supporting wanted business communications.
