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Finding the Hidden Value in Your Collaboration Data

Beth Schultz  (VP of Research & Principal Analyst, Metrigy)

John Bell  (Chief Product Officer, Bandwidth)

Jonathon Sass  (Vice President of Product and Marketing, Vyopta)

Ryan Nadel  (Principal Product Manager , Microsoft)

Geoff Sieron  (Vice President – Product, IR)

Location: Osceola A

Date: Tuesday, March 26

Time: 3:45 pm - 4:30 pm

Pass Type: 3-Day Conference Pass, 4-Day Conference Pass - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Breakout Session

Track: Data & Analytics

Vault Recording: TBD

IT has historically looked at collaboration data with an eye on performance management. But there is so much more to be gained from collaboration data than that. For example, collaboration data can shed light on how employee behavior is affecting key business metrics like engagement, productivity, and well-being. It can surface employee sentiment on company news, policy changes, or trending topics. It can provide an understanding of what behavioral characteristics the best-performing teams have in common. Or, it can help inform policy, technology, and workplace decisions. In this session, discover how to uncover the value hidden in your collaboration data.

  • What type of data is available, and from what sources (beyond the apps themselves)
  • What can the data tell you
  • Best practices for taking action on the data
  • How AI and generative AI fit in