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Powering Efficiency: PSEG's Conversational AI Transformation

Rajesh K Sahu  (Solutions Architect – Contact Center Technologies, Omilia)

Location: Solution Spotlight Theater 2 Booth: 2135

Date: Wednesday, March 27

Time: 1:55 pm - 2:15 pm

Pass Type: 3-Day Conference Pass, 4-Day Conference Pass, Expo Plus Orlando, Half-Day Training - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Enterprise Connect Theater

Vault Recording: TBD


PSEG will share how they are reducing customer service costs, improving operational agility while still enhancing the customer experience. They needed a cloud platform that offered flexibility, deep intent and context understanding, to better serve customers and increase containment without software development. They will reveal how, with Omilia, they have:

- Unrivalled visibility into customer needs in real-time enabling them to monitor live calls and continually improve call handling to deliver higher quality customer interactions.
- Enhanced customer service levels by enabling accuracy in call routing and improved interactions even during severe weather conditions
- Insights for continual improvement from easy-to-use analytics data which provides them with ideas every day on how and where to improve customer interactions.