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The Critical Role of Unbiased Consultancy in Today's Technological Landscape

Bill Magnusen  (Founder, BINDMYIT)

Location: Enterprise Case Studies Theater

Date: Monday, March 25

Time: 4:30 pm - 4:55 pm

Pass Type: 3-Day Conference Pass, 4-Day Conference Pass, Expo Plus Orlando, Half-Day Training - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Sponsored Session

Vault Recording: TBD


This presentation will underscore the critical importance of an independent, vendor-neutral consultant who helps clients navigate the complex and rapidly evolving technological landscape. It will delve into how an objective resource can successfully guide a client towards digital transformation, foster innovation, and ensure project excellence. Real-world case studies will highlight the significant impact of ensuring a project’s efficiency, client satisfaction, and overall success leveraging an independent consultancy. Finally, attendees will gain insights into the SCTC’s commitment to ethical standards, objectivity, and as an independent ‘trusted advisor’. Presented by Bill Magnuson, BINDMYIT and Society of Technology Consultants (SCTC) Board Member.