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Julie GardnerDirectorTechCaliber Consulting

Julie Gardner is a Director at TC2, based in Atlanta, Georgia with over 25 years of finance and telecommunications experience. Julie works with many of her clients on a regular basis in a lifecycle services arrangement providing benchmarking, financial accounting, forecasting and accrual assistance, and performing billing and optimization reviews to identify cost savings opportunities.

In addition to lifecycle work, Julie leads and assists with a variety of RFPs for network services, managed services, TEM services, and CCaaS services. She also leads and assists with benchmarking, compliance reviews, and strategy assessments for those services. Recently, she served as Program Manager for the implementation of a global CCaaS solution after leading the RFP and negotiations. As a leader in TC2's Contract Compliance and Optimization practice, she saves her clients millions annually by identifying cost savings opportunities and billing errors that were missed by others including TEM providers.

Julie graduated with honors from JM Tull School of Accounting at the University of Georgia.
