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Medtronic Case Study: Use of Conversational and Generative AI in Enterprise Omni Channel Contact Services

Michael Altieri  (Service Delivery Manager , Medtronic)

Location: Osceola A & B

Date: Tuesday, March 26

Time: 8:00 am - 8:45 am

Pass Type: 3-Day Conference Pass, 4-Day Conference Pass - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Breakout Session: End-User Led

Track: CX/Contact Center

Vault Recording: TBD

This session will give an overview of Medtronic's Machine Learning (ML) Model using Conversational and Generative AI, with real world examples of what has been deployed in the enterprise including:

  • the security challenges in a highly regulated industry
  • the importance of having a high level of stakeholder engagement
  • where our team sees Machine Learning using Conversational and Generative AI automation as part of our future roadmap.

Attendees can expect to hear about the trials and tribulations, as well as the successes of an enterprise ML and AI journey in a highly regulated industry. We will cover the topic from multiple angles including technical, operational, and security/privacy. We will highlight actual success metrics from our stakeholders as well as reasons why some of our AI deployments have not been as successful. The audience will have opportunity to ask pointed questions about AI transformation and get honest answers from one of the leaders responsible for that transformation for the last five years at Medtronic, who is part of the broader ML and AI transformation team.

PLUS: Stick around after the session ends for "Post-Session Networking." It's your opportunity to continue the conversation and make connections with the speakers and your peers who attended the session! To find out more, click here.