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The View from IT: Aligning IT and Design for Data-Driven Hybrid Workspaces

Craig Durr  (Research Director, Futurum Group)

Joseph Jacoboni  (CEO, NexGen Technologies)

Gary Sorrentino  (Global CIO, Zoom)

Tom Richards  (Senior Director, Product Management, Cisco)

Location: Sun B

Date: Wednesday, March 27

Time: 8:00 am - 8:45 am

Pass Type: 3-Day Conference Pass, 4-Day Conference Pass - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Breakout Session

Track: Employee Experience

Vault Recording: TBD

As enterprises reshape their workspaces for evolving work methodologies, ensuring success goes beyond merely implementing changes. A critical step often overlooked is the early alignment of design and IT - vital for achieving goals like enhanced collaboration and heightened productivity. For forward-thinking enterprises, it's essential to integrate key stakeholder organizations - IT, HR, facilities, real estate - early on. This approach guarantees a smoother integration of the necessary datasets, ranging from space utilization to collaboration platform data. In this session, a leading analyst will delve into the importance of aligning design principles and IT considerations right from the initial phase. This synergy, combined with the correct data and a clear understanding of cost factors, paves the way for a comprehensive approach to crafting the ideal workspace tailored to end-user needs.

  • Which datasets offer insights into workspace productivity and optimal utilization? Which departments (IT, HR, facilities) are the primary sources for these datasets?
  • How can IT leaders proactively engage in the design phase to ensure technology considerations are not an afterthought?
  • How can you leverage insights from this integrated approach to showcase the value of your workspace strategy?
  • How can you instill flexibility in your strategy to adapt based on real-world employee interactions and usage?