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Mark FletcherVP Public Safety Solutions911inform, LLC

Since 1980, "Fletch" has contributed to Public Safety, initially serving as a Dispatcher and Special Officer with Sparta Police in northern NJ. He holds 14 US Patents focusing on NG911 additional data and multimedia call-handling functionality. In 2013, Fletcher received the NG911 Institute Industry Professional - Private Sector Award. In 2015 he received the NENA President's Award for his work on Kari's Law, and joined the Hunt family in the Oval Office to witness the President's signing of the Kari's Law Act of 2017, authored by him into the law of the land. While at Avaya, in February 2019, he designed the first Enterprise NG911 Additional Data Repository that delivered floorplans to the ECC. As VP of Public Safety at 911inform, Fletcher expands that capability with two-way interaction with the ECC, enabling IoT connectivity and discrete location reporting. As an ENP since 2008, he serves as the NENA Institute Board Northeast Liaison, VP of Education on the SCTC Vendor Advisory Council, a member of the RapidSOS Technical Advisory Board, and a board member of the 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations, the Kari Hunt Foundation and the Denise Amber Lee Foundation. Fletcher's past Federal Advisory roles have included the FCC EAAC, FCC TFOPA, FCC DAC, and the FCC 911 Fee Diversion Strike Force.
